
Goals of the Regions

As microcosms of NYS TESOL, the Regions adhere to the goals of the association as identified in the NYS TESOL Constitution:

  • To encourage professional development, participation and leadership;
  • To provide opportunity for study and research;
  • To disseminate information relevant to the organization;
  • To work cooperatively toward the improvement of instruction in all programs which seek to provide students with an opportunity to acquire English language skills and proficiency, whether they can be carried out in monolingual or bilingual modes of instruction;
  • To promote empathy and respect for the native culture and language of all students of English, whether they are learning in a bilingual or monolingual context.

Contact Jaileen at

Buffalo/Rochester Region Leadership Team

Contact them at

Capital Region Leadership Team

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Hudson Valley Region Leadership Team

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Long Island Region Leadership Team

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New York City Region Leadership Team

Contact them at