Finding Our Firm Point: Elevating Voices for Multilingual Learners

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Finding Our Firm Point: Elevating Voices for Multilingual Learners

by Katie Leven

In challenging times, what we focus on matters. As educators, we have the power to uplift, innovate, and advocate for multilingual learners—even when faced with setbacks. NYS TESOL invites you to share your voice and expertise through our Journal, Newsletter, or Blog. Your insights can shape the future of multilingual education. Join us in making an impact!


When I was in high school, I was the salutatorian. My graduation speech centered on a quote from Archimedes: "Give me a firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the Earth." At first, that might sound impossible, but I asked my classmates to consider how our education was that firm point—a foundation from which we could change the world.

Today, as we face challenges in education—budget cuts, shifting policies, and uncertainty—we, too, must ask: What is our firm point? What matters most to us? What matters most to our students, especially our multilingual learners? How do we continue to provide the best education despite these challenges?

What We Focus on Matters

I can focus on the fact that a new administration wiped out something I value, or I can focus on the opportunity to share my knowledge and strategies to support my multilingual learners.

I can focus on the grief of loss, or I can choose to create meaningful change—ensuring that the struggles of the past shape a better future for multilingual students.

I can focus on how many students are absent, or I can celebrate and uplift those who are present, engaging them in learning despite the challenges.

I can focus on the obstacles in our field, or I can be the light—choosing to highlight and share what works, amplifying solutions, and supporting fellow educators.

Being intentional means focusing on what truly matters, finding it, and building upon it—one small step at a time.

Your Voice Matters—Share It!

We are living history. Just as we encouraged students to document their experiences during the pandemic, we must also reflect on and share our own experiences in these times of change. How is this moment shaping your teaching? How is it pushing you to innovate, adapt, and advocate for English language learners?

As educators, we are resilient. We figure out how to make the best of any situation. But we don’t have to do it alone. By sharing our insights, we strengthen our community and create lasting impact.

That’s why I encourage you to share your voice. NYS TESOL offers multiple ways to do so:

  1. The NYS TESOL Journal – For research-based perspectives on improving education for multilingual learners. More info
  2. Mosaic, NYS TESOL’s Newsletter – A space for informal discussions on ESOL topics. More info
  3. The NYS TESOL Blog – Monthly features on practical insights and experiences. More info

Be Heard, Be Seen, Make an Impact

Our annual conference theme is: Voices of Impact: Hear me, see me, learn from me, celebrate me.
Now is the time to make your voice heard. Share your experiences, strategies, and insights to help shape the future of education for multilingual learners.

We are here to support you. We are here to uplift you. We are right alongside you.


P. S.  If you need a little extra encouragement, check out this poem that my friend, Dr. Heather Lyon, wrote for International Women’s Day. It really resonated with me. We may feel down, but we're far from out.

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